Pursue career growth and gain job security. Become a subject matter expert with our live instructor-led individual and group training classes.
Get on the fast track to success with training courses that inspire your innovation journey with Okta. Gain a competitive edge by validating your Okta knowledge and skills with industry recognized Okta Administrator, Developer and Consultant certifications.
OneLogin training covers how to enable and install OneLogin Desktop and OneLogin Desktop Pro on both Windows machines and Macs. Includes installing and Using Postman with OneLogin APIs.
PingDirectory Administration Training course steps students through implementing various use cases with PingDirectory platform (PingDirectory, Data Sync, and Data Proxy). Get an overview of the SAML 2.0 standard, which is used for browser-based SSO. Learn how OAuth and OpenID Connect are used to integrate SSO with web and mobile applications.
In this SailPoint Training, we will cover Installation & configuration, UI Branding, HRMS System Integration, Aggregation – Authoritative and Non-Authoritative, SailPoint LDAP Integration, SailPoint Database Integration, Provisioning Plan and Rules, Attribute Synchronization, SailPoint AD Integration, SailPoint Service Now Integration, RBAC, Policy, Risk and Certification, Life Cycle Management, Custom Joiner Leaver Mover workflow, Custom Business Process, QuickLinks and many more.
Determining how to architect, build, and deploy your identity solution doesn’t need to be a complex process, but needs to be done right. ForgeRock training combines training, enablement, and technology to arm you with the skills you need to execute a smooth deployment.
Learn about digital identity including OAuth2, OpenID Connect, calling APIs, and more! This series covers the history of modern identity and some of the foundational concepts and terminology; protocols, open standards, SSO, JWTs, OAuth2, and OpenID Connect; web application authentication; how to call an API with a web application; native applications, including those for mobile, desktop, and command line use; single-page applications.